At first, I just wanted to have my own human mesh avatar for my own personal use. In fact, most of my time in Second Life I was always using non-human avatar form because at that time I cannot find any human model that suit my own taste. Maybe it is because I’d like to be a little more “special” in Second Life and because I’ve been working out for years. I’ve seen my own body developed every month in real life so I started to want that transformation for my Second Life body too.
I spent weeks of my free-time working on the body that I wanted to use. I made it with passion for fitness and aesthetically looking of the fitness models. I didn’t expect to make so much details or features on it but just a cool looking and fit body to serve my own gym-addicted behavior. However, after I have posted a snapshot of the early stage of mesh model on Facebook page, many people told me that they are interested in my work. They started to talk about existing male mesh bodies in the market. They told me about the problems and difficulties of men in Second Life that they have so few good mesh bodies compared to the ladies market. They also told me about features that they want. However, it is my weakness that I always never satisfy with what I have. From there, I spent more time working deeper into the details and features of the mesh body that I started. Then the hobby became the passion. I spent months working on every possible feature that I can put into this mesh body. At the same time, I unintentionally improved my own real body because of this passion.
I can’t believe that I came so far from the beginning. I learned so much about many things along the way. I can’t remember how much energy I put into this work and I think I have already earned invaluable experiences just from creating this mesh body. I used my real life skill sets to shape my virtual body and it helped me to gain more passion in developing my real body as well.
I believe that the real value of this mesh body is not how much it costs, how many features it has, or how good it looks but it is the “concept of improvement” that may help us to be energized and improved in our Second Life or even Real Life. This is what I want to share with you “My Passion and my Love to the improvement.” through this "AESTHETIC : Advanced Mesh Body".
"Because in AESTHETIC, I trust"
Hydrogen Excelsior
Owner of Niramyth Productions